China Pexa Pipe

 Company Profile: One Plus Piping is a subsidiary of HongYue Plastic Group. H-Y was founded in 2001, with early production dating back to 1994. We have 4 Production Bases throughout China: Quinhuangdao Emeishan,Qinhuangdao Longhai Rd., Xiaogan (Hubei) and Jiangment (Guangdong). We have sales teams throughout the world helping unite our passion for being the best in class PEX-a manufacturer to your needs of a partner that promotes sincerity, trust and integrity. We want to provide you with world class service and help you become more successful by building a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship built on communication. We know that together we can WIN! Installation: 1.Square cut the pipe. 2. Place a Ring on the end of the pipe. Ensure ring reaches stopedge. 3. Expand the pipe and ring, allowing the pipe to feed itself ontothe head. Do not force the pipe onto the expander head. 4. Ensure that rotation of expander head is happening duringeach expansion. 5. Insert a fitting into the end of the pipe. 6. Ensure the pipe and ring seat tight against the shoulder ofthe fitting. 7. Only perform the necessary number of expansions, donot over expand the pipe. Electric tool: Hand tool:China Pexa Pipe website:


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