low cost Long range lidar

2015-06-01: Establishment of Benewake(Beijing) Co.,Ltd. 2015-06-01: Launch Serial DE 1.0 ToF LiDAR for drone obstacle avoidance 2015-12-01: Series A financing 2016-05-01: Win the Championship of Innovating China Spring Summit 2016-08-01: Mass production of terrain following LiDAR TF01 for agricultural drones 2016-10-01: Win the Championship of The AI Application section in Audi Innovation Lab 2016 2016-11-01: Series A+ financing 2017-04-01: Enter Bosch Incubator 2017-10-01: Mass production of TFmini LiDAR module Mass production of TF02 LiDAR Mass production of CE30 Solid-State LiDAR 2018-12-01: Series B2 financing Benewake (en.benewake.com) is the leading provider of solid-state LIDAR sensors and solutions. We won the Championship of Audi Innovation Lab. Completed the Series B2 funding in 2018, Benewake has built a strong connection with our global top-tier investors globally and locally, including IDG Capital, Shunwei Capital, Cathay Capital (Valeo LP), Delta Capital, Keywise Capital and Ecovacs. Benewake LiDAR products, including basic flash LiDAR and 3D LiDAR, have achieved mass production level with corresponding certificates. Our LiDAR solutions are widely used in autonomous vehicles (collision avoidance), drones (logistics, agricultural plant protection), ITS, robots (smart home), AGV (logistics and warehouse management). Benewake LiDAR products, with the protection of intellectual property rights have been widely launched to Europe, America, Asia-Pacific market, etc.low cost Long range lidar website:http://www.bx-benewake.com/

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