PP Woven and Non-Woven Reusable Bags

  • Дата Публикации: 04-01-22

PP Woven and Non-Woven Reusable Bags Plastic is quickly becoming a vulgarity within the environmental community. Its production requires the use of nonrenewable resources, many types of plastics are difficult or impossible to recycle, and lightweight…


Making process control valve choices

  • Дата Публикации: 04-01-22

Making process control valve choices Control valves are used to manage the flow rate of a liquid or a gas and in-turn control the temperature, pressure or liquid level within a process. As such, they are defined by the way in which they operate to control…




Database (default) 0.684808 s
13.2813 kB
Исходный пункт Min Max Average Всего
SELECT `group_name`, `config_key`, `config_value` FROM `oc2_config` ORDER BY `group_name` ASC, `config_key` ASC (1)
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0.001823 s
0.001823 s
0.001823 s
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0.8125 kB
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0.000736 s
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.001485 s
0.001485 s
0.001485 s
0.001485 s
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0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
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0.000497 s
0.000497 s
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0.000497 s
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
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0.194061 s
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0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
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0.206389 s
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0.206389 s
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0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
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0.108512 s
0.108512 s
0.108512 s
0.108512 s
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
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0.000352 s
0.000549 s
0.000402 s
0.002413 s
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
3.9375 kB
SELECT `oc2_category`.`id_category` AS `id_category`, `oc2_category`.`name` AS `name`, `oc2_category`.`order` AS `order`, `oc2_category`.`created` AS `created`, `oc2_category`.`id_category_parent` AS `id_category_parent`, `oc2_category`.`parent_deep` AS `parent_deep`, `oc2_category`.`seoname` AS `seoname`, `oc2_category`.`description` AS `description`, `oc2_category`.`price` AS `price`, `oc2_category`.`last_modified` AS `last_modified`, `oc2_category`.`has_image` AS `has_image` FROM `oc2_categories` AS `oc2_category` WHERE `id_category` != 1 AND `parent_deep` IN (0, 1) ORDER BY `order` ASC (1)
0.000324 s
0.000324 s
0.000324 s
0.000324 s
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
SELECT `oc2_category`.`id_category` AS `id_category`, `oc2_category`.`name` AS `name`, `oc2_category`.`order` AS `order`, `oc2_category`.`created` AS `created`, `oc2_category`.`id_category_parent` AS `id_category_parent`, `oc2_category`.`parent_deep` AS `parent_deep`, `oc2_category`.`seoname` AS `seoname`, `oc2_category`.`description` AS `description`, `oc2_category`.`price` AS `price`, `oc2_category`.`last_modified` AS `last_modified`, `oc2_category`.`has_image` AS `has_image` FROM `oc2_categories` AS `oc2_category` WHERE `id_category_parent` = '2' AND `id_category` != '2' LIMIT 1 (1)
0.081132 s
0.081132 s
0.081132 s
0.081132 s
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
SELECT `oc2_location`.`id_location` AS `id_location`, `oc2_location`.`name` AS `name`, `oc2_location`.`order` AS `order`, `oc2_location`.`id_location_parent` AS `id_location_parent`, `oc2_location`.`parent_deep` AS `parent_deep`, `oc2_location`.`seoname` AS `seoname`, `oc2_location`.`description` AS `description`, `oc2_location`.`last_modified` AS `last_modified`, `oc2_location`.`has_image` AS `has_image`, `oc2_location`.`latitude` AS `latitude`, `oc2_location`.`longitude` AS `longitude`, `oc2_location`.`id_geoname` AS `id_geoname`, `oc2_location`.`fcodename_geoname` AS `fcodename_geoname` FROM `oc2_locations` AS `oc2_location` WHERE `oc2_location`.`id_location` = '0' LIMIT 1 (5)
0.000371 s
0.085578 s
0.017487 s
0.087436 s
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
0.6563 kB
3.2813 kB
Kohana 0.012488 s
143.1875 kB
Исходный пункт Min Max Average Всего
find_file (217)
0.000011 s
0.000113 s
0.000058 s
0.012488 s
0.4922 kB
2.8203 kB
0.6599 kB
143.1875 kB
Requests 2.106780 s
3,083.5703 kB
Исходный пункт Min Max Average Всего
"vse" (1)
2.108427 s
2.108427 s
2.108427 s
2.108427 s
3,097.0000 kB
3,097.0000 kB
3,097.0000 kB
3,097.0000 kB
Запуск приложения (1) 2.589189 s 2.589189 s 2.589189 s 2.589189 s
6,634.1094 kB 6,634.1094 kB 6,634.1094 kB 6,634.1094 kB

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Включённые файлы (190)

Загруженые расширения (71)